Liliana Popescu, Professor of International Relations, Vice-Rector of SNSPA and initiator of ESEE-FANEL Network and Conference
“We want to draw attention to the phenomenon of under-representation of women in the area of expertise traditionally associated to men – expertise taken into account in the making of public policies and in public debates on international policy issues, especially in the media. Expert women are generally consulted much less on issues of politics, international relations and national security. We see many panels which are exclusively male-panels (called manels’), or with a minimal feminine representation. The contrast between these ‚manels’, on the one hand, and the multitude and quality of women specialists in these fields, on the other, is strikin. This is why, together with a few ladies who know a lot about the international, European and regional arena, we mobilized and we designed this event. Our conference is made up exclusively of female panels (called ‚fanels’). The audience is mixed, of course. We count on the surprise of having all-female panels in front of our eyes. It is a kind of mirror.”