
Miomira Kostić


Graduated from the Faculty of Law University of Nis in 1986. She passed the Bar exam in 1988. Master’s thesis titled “The child as a victim of crime” in 1995, a doctoral dissertation “The children who kill” in 2001, both from the Faculty of Law University of Nis, where she has been working since May, 1989.

In the position of full professor in the Criminal Law scientific area she was elected in 2011, on subjects of Criminology, Penology, Victimology, Legal gender studies and Clinical legal education in the study programs of undergraduate studies of law; Juvenile criminal law, Organized crime, Violent crime and Law enforcement of criminal sanctions in the master study program studies law; and Criminology, Criminology and Penology and Juvenile Delinquency in the study programs of doctoral studies in law.

She is the author of the 216 articles in the field of Criminology, Victimology and Penology, which have been published in national and international reviewed journals and 34 monographs. She has participated as a researcher in a number of projects in the field of criminal sciences, the themes: serious forms of crime in Serbia, juvenile delinquency, youth culture of healthy life, access to justice – instruments for the implementation of European standards in the domestic legal system; legal clinics.

She is the author and co-author of several published books: “Health and wellbeing”, “The right to legal assistance and the quality of legal assistance provided to citizens in criminal proceedings and proceedings serving the sentence,” “The execution of sentences and other criminal sanctions in the Republic of Serbia”, “Penology” “Criminology”, “Viktimity of old people”, “The politics of crime”, “Victimology”.

At the Faculty of Special Education and Rehabilitation, University of Belgrade she held the classes at undergraduate and postgraduate studies at the Department of Prevention and Re- socialization of persons with behavioral disorders (2002-2003). She is the member of the editorial boards of the journals “Social Thought”, “Hourglass”, “Proceedings of the Faculty of Law,” Zeszyty Naukowe “Studio Prawnicza and administracyjna” With wydawane since 2010 r., In college Wyższej Szkoły Menedżerskiej in Warsaw. During the period 2006-2013, he served as Manager of the Legal clinic, Faculty of Law in Nis.

She is participating in several dozen international and domestic conferences. She is the mentor in several thesis at the master and doctoral studies of law as well as an active participant in the policy of creating quality culture at the University of Nis. Vice dean for material and financial operations of the Faculty of Law in Nis performed in the period 2013-2016. More functions are: Director of the Center for Legal and Social Studies and Head of the Department of Criminal Law Science, performed in the period 2016-2019.

She is currently engaged in three projects as a researcher: Erasmus + Program: Capacity-Building project in the field of Higher Education (E + CBHE): Interdisciplinary short cycle programs in Public Policy Making and Analysis (PPMA), 2018-2021, Project Ref. No .: 598596-EPP-1-2018-1-RS-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP; RS Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development according to the contract registration number 451-03-9 / 2021-14 / 200120; Responsibility in the legal and social context, funded by the Faculty of Law, University of Nis, 2021-2025.

See: List of publications, available ant the LF Ni website


”Whoever is afraid of feminism, is afraid to admit and accept that, fundamentally, women are strong beings. In various societies, over centuries, political leaders have made use of many skills and tricks to keep women power under control. On the other hand, power comes with responsibility – always. Admitting that you are strong means taking responsibility for this power. Sometimes that overwhelms.”

Liliana Popescu
Vice-Rector SNSPA
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