
Melania-Gabriela Ciot


Melania-Gabriela Ciot, Dr. (born1975), is Associate Professor at Babeș-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca (Romania), Faculty of European Studies. She is the Director of Doctoral School „European Paradigm” (in the field of international relations and European studies), the coordinator of master program „Management and International and European Negotiations” and of Center of International Negotiations.

Dr. Melania-Gabriela Ciot has an intense scientific and research activity, which includes books (16), chapters in collective volumes (28) and articles and studies in international and national journals (63). Her research interests are: international negotiations, European affairs, decision-making process, idiosyncrasies, cultural diplomacy. She has participated in numerous national and international scientific conferences and in projects as manager, coordinator or member of the research teams.

She was State Secretary for European affairs at the Ministery of Foreign Affairs  between 2017-2019, being appointed as Special Representative of Romanian Government for the Relation with European Parliament for the period when Romania held the Presidency of the Council of European Union.

”Whoever is afraid of feminism, is afraid to admit and accept that, fundamentally, women are strong beings. In various societies, over centuries, political leaders have made use of many skills and tricks to keep women power under control. On the other hand, power comes with responsibility – always. Admitting that you are strong means taking responsibility for this power. Sometimes that overwhelms.”

Liliana Popescu
Vice-Rector SNSPA
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