
Mariana Iațco

Republic of Moldova

Mariana Iaţco started her activity within the State University of Moldova in 2002 as a senior lecturer. She holds the position of expert in public policies by Sociometrist laboratory, IDIS Viitorul. . She is actively engaged in research and evalution national public social policies, as well monitoring and providing analytical review and policy papers and briefs. In 2016-2017 she was part of the team of experts in the elaboration of the National Human Development Report 2015/2016 with the support of UNDP Moldova; In present, Mariana is a team member in various research programs, and provided trainings in policy and advocacy for civil society organization’ partners. Mariana holds a PhD degree in public policies from the the Andalucía International University, Spain. The main topics she covered: Public policies and advocacy; Migration processes and the diaspora; Electoral processes and democracy.
Author of several policy papers and articles:
1. (2021) IAŢCO Mariana; The Phenomenon of “Path Dependence” – Institutional Impediments to the European Integration of the Republic of Moldova. In: Journal Political Studies Forum Nr. 1/2021, vol.2, p. 9-22

2. (2020) PUTINĂ Natalia, IAȚCO Mariana. Strengthening the integrity and development of anti-corruption policies in the Republic of Moldova, In: Revista Political Studies Forum, Vol I, 2020, p.47-72,, ISSN 2067–1318, CEEOL

3. (2020) IAȚCO Mariana, PUTINĂ Natalia; Process of Accession of the Republic of Moldova to the European Union – Content and Implications” In: Analele Universității din Oradea: Relații internaționale și Studii Europene. Tom XII, 2020, p. 145-162, BDI: Ebscohost, CEEOL, Index Copernicus,

4. (2019) SVETLICINÂI Rodica, IAȚCO Mariana, TURCO Tatiana. Information tehnologies in the financing of political parties (case study of the Republic of Moldova). IN: International Academy Journal Web of Scholar, vol. 2, no. 1 (31), , pp. 57-65.

5. (2019) IAŢCO Mariana. Benefits and costs of the visa liberalized regime from  the perspective of the dynamics of the european  integration of the Republic of Moldova. In: Visa-free regime: international and moldovan experience / Moldova State Univ.,

Fac.  of  Intern.  Relations,  Polit.  and Administrative  Sci.,  Lab.  of  Polit.  Sociology;  coord.: Valeriu Mosneaga. – Chişinău: CEP USM, 2019.

6. (2019) IATCO Mariana The impact of the state control reform in the field of safety and health at work on the occupational safety of
employees in the Republic of Moldova. Policy Paper

5. (2018) IAŢCO Mariana, Natalia PUTINĂ, Socio-cultural component to straighten the Moldovan Diaspora in term of development policies. In: Analele Universității din Oradea, Tom X, 2018, p.37-49, ISSN 2067 – 1253 BDI: Ebscohost, CEEOL, Index Copernicus

6. (2017) IAȚCO Mariana, Natalia Putină, An analysis of the Impact Generated by Russian Factor in the Informational Space of the Republic of Moldova. In: Analele Universității din Oradea: Relații internaționale și Studii Europene. Tom IX, 2017 p.85-99, ISSN: 2067-1253, E-ISSN: 2067-3647; BDI: Ebscohost, CEEOL, Index Copernicus

”Whoever is afraid of feminism, is afraid to admit and accept that, fundamentally, women are strong beings. In various societies, over centuries, political leaders have made use of many skills and tricks to keep women power under control. On the other hand, power comes with responsibility – always. Admitting that you are strong means taking responsibility for this power. Sometimes that overwhelms.”

Liliana Popescu
Vice-Rector SNSPA
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