Andreea Mitan
Public Relations Officer
Andreea MITAN is a Lecturer in Communication and Marketing at SNSPA, the CEO of the Center for Research in Management, and the CEO of the Norwegian-Romanian Chamber of Commerce. Andreea holds a PhD in Communication Studies (2014) and is a PhD candidate in Management. She is affiliated to B.S.Lab – Business Systems Laboratory, and EBES – Eurasia Business and Economics Society, and a member of the Editorial Board of the International Journal of Electronic Marketing and Retailing (Inderscience). She serves as a reviewer for Kybernetes (Emerald), Journal of International Management (Elsevier), and Management Dynamics in the Knowledge Economy. Her most recent book Y: Popular Culture and Identity [Y: Popular culture și identitate] (Tritonic, 2019) tackles the topic of youth identity and culture, two of her longstanding academic interests. Her current research focuses on business internationalization and human capital.