Contemporary Geopolitics and Geoeconomics – A Toolkit to Understanding the World
- February 25, 2021
- Online
Description of the event. What does an economic crisis teach us about geopolitics? Or is it the other way around? Are we truly entering a “new” world? And if the answer is yes, what role shall diplomacy play? The discussion also covered the role that the US plays in a changing world, the evolution of EU’s soft power, and the shifting of social problems into geopolitical problems in emerging countries, such as Russia and Turkey.
Keynote speakers:
- Antonia Colibasanu, Chief Operating Officer, Geopolitical Futures
- Katarina Zakic, Research Fellow, Institute of International Politics and Economics, Center for Belt and Road Initiative
- Allison Fedirka, Director of Analysis, Geopolitical Futures
Moderator: Liliana Popescu, Vice-rector of SNSPA